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Sport Ethics: Concepts and Cases in Sport and Recreation

Sport has always presented participants, administrators and observers with a wide and often bizarre array of ethical dilemmas. They take on a special edge, perhaps, because the sport personalities are usually well known as a result of the extensive media coverage of sporting events. We look in astonishment and horror at such things as the bribe-taking by members of the IOC, the widespread steroid use by athletes, the child sex-abuse cases in hockey, the acceptance of physical assault and violence, the hooligans of British soccer fans, and the drug abusers at the Tour de France.
This text is designed to provide an analytical framework to enable students to explore and understand many of the ethical issues and controversies in sport today. It is intended as an introduction to sport ethics for readers in various fields of sport, physical education, health and recreation studies.
Sport Ethics
The first part introduces important concepts in ethical philosophy and then identifies a number of principles and concepts. The authors go on to outline a model of ethical reasoning that can be used when trying to grapple with the many complex issues faced daily by sport professionals and practitioners. An emphasis is placed on the need to enunciate an ethical maxim that can be used as the yardstick against which the behaviour in question can be measured.
The final section of the book consists of case studies from diverse areas of the sport and recreation field. The basic facts of the case are give and the student is encouraged to engage in moral discourse based on the theoretical models developed in the first part of the book.
Written by David Cruise Malloy, Saul Ross and Dwight H. Zakus . Published by Thompson Educational Publishing, 2000.
Catalogue No. 1-55077-107-8
Price $19.95
Format Softcover
Pages 192
Language English only
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Last modified: December 11, 2000

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