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Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference, 2011 Edition

Format Softcover
Catalogue No. 978-0-7798-2723-7
Pages 410
Language English
Price $70.00
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for last year's 2011 edition

Written by Jamie Knight, LL.B., Cynthia Kontra, LL.B., and Bonnea Channe, LL.B., of Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP.
Published by Carswell, 2010.

This is an annual publication. The 2011 edition was released December 2010. The 2012 edition is expected to be released in December 2011.


Description of last year's 2011 edition:

The Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act governs the administration of the province's workplace insurance regime, including revenue generation through fees and levies on registered firms and claims administration for injured workers. Although only a quasi-government agency, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is perhaps second only to the federal income tax administration in terms of its impact on individual businesses and organizations. Understanding the WSIB employer requirements is vital to cost control and effective employee management.

The Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference outlines all the key employer requirements, including registration, fees and levies, accident reporting and claims administration and return to work/accommodation requirements. This concise guide also contains the full text of the Act, and a helpful index to the full contents of the guide.

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference, 2011 Edition features:
  • A summary of new occupational disease policies that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is in the process of developing.
  • Identification of eServices recently introduced by the Board to assist both employers and employees.
  • A summary of the New Service Delivery Model (NSDM) launched by the Board to improve the effectiveness of return-to-work.
  • A detailed new section on the new Workplace Safety and Insurance Act regulation introducing comprehensive return to work obligations in the construction industry.
  • A summary of the advantages of Voluntary Registration for employers who are required to register with the Board, but have not yet done so.
  • The introduction of a section dealing with the new Board policy allowing for claim adjustments in the event of a traumatic work-related fatality.
The 2011 Edition features the following additions, as well as the usual updates and clarifications:
  • A review of which employees are and are not covered under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, including federal public servants, and including information about accident reporting;
  • Reference to Bill 168, which amends the Occupational Health & Safety Act and requires employers to have policies and programs in place to deal with workplace harassment, workplace violence, and domestic violence that may occur in the workplace;
  • An overview of the integration of the Labour Market Re-entry program and the Return-to-Work program into a new Work Reintegration Program; and
  • An overview of the Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009 and its impact on the WSIAT; this legislation was passed by the Ontario government on December 15, 2009 and will come into effect on a date to be proclaimed.
  • Reference to a Regulation concerning limited exemption for executives and partners in the construction industry.
  • Update of Board's Appeal System Practice and Procedures document.
  • New section that provides basic information on the workers' compensation legislation and systems in all other Canadian jurisdictions.
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This page last modified: January 6, 2011

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