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Regulatory Reform in Mexico: OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform

According to Regulatory Reform in Mexico, regulatory reform has been key to the transformation of the Mexican economy over the past 15 years. Formerly inward-looking and heavily regulated, the Mexican economy today is relatively open and market-based. The rapid pace, broad scope, and depth of regulatory reforms exceed those of most OECD countries.
This report - the result of intensive assessment by the OECD and review by its Member countries - is unique in that it presents an integrated assessment of regulatory reform in framework areas such as the macroeconomic context, the quality of the public sector, competition policy and enforcement, and integration of market openness principles in regulatory processes, and in sectors such as telecommunications. The policy recommendations present a balanced plan of action for both short and longer-term based on best international regulatory practices.
Aussi disponible en français.
Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development, 1999.
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Last modified: April 11, 2000

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