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Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program 2003

The third edition of Education Indicators in Canada provides a wealth of statistical information on education. This report covers basic trends in enrolment and graduation at all levels, as well as trends for educators and expenditures in education.

It also presents a broad statistical portrait of the school-age population and indicators on such topics as the school readiness of children aged four and five, and labour market outcomes. Trends, which generally cover the last decade, are presented for each province and territory.
Education Indicators in Canada

The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) is an ongoing initiative of the Canadian Education Statistics Council to provide a set of statistical measures on education systems in Canada. The goal of the program is to provide consistent and high-quality information on education for all of Canada to support informed decision-making, policy formulation and program development.

The indicators are divided into five chapters.

Chapter A: A Portrait of the School-Age Population, focuses on demographic trends for the population aged 5 to 24, and considers indicators of cultural diversity, family background, and low income.

Chapter B: Financing Education Systems, looks at trends in public and private expenditures on education, examines the distribution of capital and current expenditures, and reports on student debt.

Chapter C: Elementary-Secondary Education, includes indicators on pre-school children, enrolment, graduation, human resources and school characteristics at the elementary-secondary level. Other topics covered are information and communications technology and student achievement.

Chapter D: Postsecondary Education, provides similar information at the postsecondary level, looking at participation and graduation rates for trade-vocational /apprenticeship programs, colleges and universities, as well as human resources at colleges and universities. It also covers research and development, adult education and training, and the educational attainment of the working-age population.

Chapter E: Transitions and Outcomes, looks at transitions from high school to postsecondary education and work, and provides information on labour market outcomes by level of education.

  • Structure of education and training in Canada
  • Data sources used in this publication
  • Calculation of revenues and expenditures for each jurisdiction – Elementary and secondary education
  • Basic reference statistics
  • List of postsecondary institutions surveyed by the Centre for Education Statistics at Statistics Canada to generate the enrolment, finance, and educator data presented in PCEIP 2003
The report was prepared jointly by Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) in collaboration with the provincial and territorial departments and ministries with responsibility for education and training.

Published by Statistics Canada, 2003.
Catalogue No. 81-582-XPE
Price $70.00
Format Softcover
Language English; Aussi disponible en français
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Last modified: November 26, 2003

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