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OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook: 2004 Edition

Science and technology increasingly contribute to economic growth, industrial competitiveness and the realisation of societal objectives. As countries continue the transition to knowledge-based economies, policy makers seek effective ways to improve the ability to create, absorb, diffuse and apply knowledge productively, by stimulating business investments in research and development, reforming science systems and their links to industry, promoting the development of human resources and stimulating competition and industrial restructuring.

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2004 provides a comprehensive review of important trends and developments in science and innovation policy. It identifies key changes in science, technology and innovation policies in OECD countries and the factors driving them. Touching on themes at the centre of ongoing policy development, the book examines the role of public/private partnerships in innovation, innovation in the service sector, human resources for science and technology, and the contributions of multinational enterprises to productivity growth and innovation.

A statistical annex provides up-to-date statistics on R & D funding, patents, researchers and other indicators of innovative performance.

Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005.
Catalogue No. 922004111P
Price $109.50
Format Softcover
Pages 234
Language English; Aussi disponible en français
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Last modified: February 8, 2005

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