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The Internet Handbook for Canadian Lawyers, Third Edition

The Internet Handbook for Canadian Lawyers, Third Edition provides the legal professional with a practical and engaging hands-on guide to using and accessing information over the Internet. With liberal use of screen shots, tips and examples, the authors break down the unwieldy and evolving Internet phenomenon into its essentials.
Topics discussed include:
  • High-speed Internet access, including ADSL, cable modem, and satellite downlink technologies: pros and cons of each option, the speeds you can expect, what's involved in setting up.
  • Updated and expanded coverage of using search engines and directories: the best search engines, search engine tips, and power searching tips.
  • New sections on finding information on the Internet: finding company information, people, case law, and statute law.
  • Updated coverage of the best web resources for lawyers: guidance on where to find the best legislation, case law, government, business, law firm, professional association, international law, and new sites.
  • New step-by-step guides to using e-mail and the web; clear, concise tutorials on key features of using e-mail and web software.
  • Updated and expanded Legal Resources Directory: addresses and annotations for over 400 key legal websites.

Written by M. Drew Jackson and Timothy L. Taylor. Published by Carswell, 2000.
The Internet Handbook for Canadian Lawyers
Catalogue No. 0-459-23908-2
Price $67.00
Format Softcover
Pages 252
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
Questions about this product? Please e-mail us.
Last modified: April 1, 2002

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