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OECD Communications Outlook: 2003 Edition

The OECD Communications Outlook 2003 presents the most recent comparable data on the performance of the communication sector in OECD countries and on their policy frameworks. The data provided in this report map the four years of competition for many OECD countries that fully opened their market to competition in 1998. The 2003 edition analyses major changes and trends in the communications sector and explores future developments.

The OECD Communications Outlook provides an extensive range of indicators for the development of different communications networks and compares performance indicators, such as revenue, investment, employment and prices for service throughout the OECD area. These indicators are essential for industry and for regulators who use benchmarking to evaluate policy performance. The companion Telecommunications Database 2003 provides time series of telecommunications and economic indicators, such as network dimension, revenues, investment and employment for OECD countries from 1980 to 2001.
OECD Communications Outlook
For more information on trends in information technology, globalization and the impact on the way people live and work, refer to the OECD Information Technology Outlook, published every other year.

Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2003.
Catalogue No. 932003021P
Price $123.75
Format Softcover
Pages 260
Language English; Aussi disponible en français
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Last modified: July 1, 2003

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