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After Taxes: Managing Personal Wealth, 8th ed.

Contrary to popular belief, there is life after taxes. But to be truly successful, tax planning cannot be a last-minute scramble every March. Yet few of us actually plan ahead, as we ought to, to protect ourselves and our hard-earned money.

Based on The Gasletter Collection by Geoff Stevens, the successful primer on sheltering your income, After Taxes is designed to help you put in place a long term tax strategy. It is a handbook to have at your elbow each and every day of the year as you wrestle with the implications of savings, retirement funds, off-shore shelters, investments, real estate, buyouts and golden (or not so golden) handshakes. For those who wish to make better choices, this is an excellent place to start.

Written by Geoff Stevens. Published by The Golden Dog Press, 2000.
Catalogue No. 0-919614-93-0
Price $32.99
Format Softcover
Pages 234
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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Last modified: December 20, 2000

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