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Canada's Teens: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow

A comprehensive and startling new look at Canada’s teens by our nation’s pre-eminent expert.

What’s important to teens today? What do they value, enjoy, and worry about? How do they feel about the people in their lives — family, friends, and others? What are their views and experiences concerning violence, sexuality, drugs, culture, and spirituality? How do they compare with teens of the past? How are they going to turn out?
Canada's Teens

Reginald Bibby addresses these questions in this new study of teens, following his previous bestselling books, The Emerging Generation and Teen Trends. Bibby has been conducting polls of teens and adults from coast to coast since the 1970s. Now, in this book, he compares this generation of teenagers with previous generations, going back to when their grandparents were teens in the ’40s. The result is a spectacular look at teens today, yesterday, and tomorrow.

Written by Reginald Bibby. Published by Stoddart Publishing Co. Ltd, 2001.
Catalogue No. 0-7737-6181-0
Price $22.95
Format Softcover
Pages 356
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
Questions about this product? Please e-mail us.
Last modified: May 9, 2001

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