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Labour Markets, Social Institutions and the Future of Canada's Children

If a child grows up in a low-income family, is he destined to be poor? If a young person comes from a single-parent family, is she more likely to become a single parent? Is a parent's educational attainment an indicator of how far a child will go in school? How does a child's background affect their preparedness for life as an adult? Labour Markets, Social Institutions and the Future of Canada's Children presents a series of articles examining three institutions - the labour market, the state and the family - that play a critical role in determining the social and economic future of Canada's young people.
The contributors to this book examine two broad themes related to the well-being of Canadian youth. First, they document the nature of the labour market facing young adults and how it has changed since the early 1970s. Second, the authors examine how families, communities, and the public sector influence some of the ways in which children become successful and self-reliant. The motivation for bringing these essays together has to do with the increasing importance of child well-being in public discourse and the development of public policy.
Edited by Miles Corak. Published by Statistics Canada, 1998.
89-553-XPB $35.00

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Last modified: November 16, 1998

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