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The Canoe: An Illustrated History

A fascinating historical and cultural examination of the canoe in North American culture.

There is hardly a river or a lake in North America that was not first seen by natives and Europeans alike from the gunwale of a canoe. Dugout, bark craft and skin canoes, used in aboriginal North America, coureur canoes used by French colonists and the cane and wood crafts used by the Spanish explorers were all used for travel, exploration, trading and hunting for decades before the invention of the train or motorboat.

The Canoe: An Illustrated History
In The Canoe: An Illustrated History, Jim Poling explores the relationship between North Americans and the canoe as it evolved from being a tool for survival and exploration to its modern-day place as a recreational watercraft, an Olympic sporting event and a work of skilled craftsmenship. With engaging historical accounts of the first canoeists, detailed explanations of boat building - a craft that is still very much alive today - and more than 80 illustrations and photographs, the idea of the canoe and the role it has played in shaping North American culture is explored in fascinating detail.

Written by Jim Poling, Sr. Published by Key Porter Books, 2000.
Catalogue No. 1-55263-310-1
Price $29.95
Format Hardcover
Pages 144
Language English only
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Last modified: November 20, 2000

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