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Human Resource Management Systems: A Practical Approach, Second Edition

Human Resource Management System:
"an information management system accessible to staff at all levels, designed to ensure that the organization's most important resources - its people - are recruited, selected, developed, employed, deployed and supported most effectively" (p.xix)
The selection of an appropriate system is a critical HR management decision. However, in this publication, the authors go beyond the usual examination of selection criteria and maintenance of an HRMS, to look in-depth at the opportunities to use the HRMS as a critical management tool in the organization.
The text includes many case studies and "live" examples drawn from the authors' experience as consultants and practitioners in the field. Exercises for the book, along with additional information, can be found on the internet at All the authors are Canadian, but generic examples are used when possible for international usage.
Written by Glenn M. Ramton, Ian J. Tunbull, J. Allen Doran. Published by Carswell Publishing, 1999.
0-459-56370-X $53.00

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Last modified: March 20, 2002

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