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The Battle of the Restigouche, 1760

Over the past 200 years, the facts of the battle at Restigouche have been forgotten or altered by imaginative and misinformed storytellers. The bullets, buttons and bones found on local farms, the occasional glimpse of charred timbers protruding from shallow waters, and a desire to explain such phenomena have helped to form a tragic tale parading as a description of the battle.
It is a minor engagement in the Seven Years' War that the battle of Restigouche has most frequently been described, when described at all. But although the French fleet was small and although the battle was waged in an obscure part of the Atlantic coast, the battle's outcome was significant for the future of New France.
Written by Judith Beattie and Bernard Pothier for Parks Canada. Published by Canadian Government Publishing, 1996.
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Last modified: May 20, 1999

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