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As I Recall (Si je me souviens bien)

As I Recall (Si je me souviens bien)seeks to enrich the national unity debate. This study takes an historical approach, scanning the past to uncover the roots of present-day tensions surrounding Quebec’s relationship with the rest of Canada. The object of this exercise is not to determine who was right and who was wrong, but rather to encourage readers to reflect upon the different possible interpretations of history. In this way, people might better understand the often divergent perspectives adopted by various parties. Contributing authors include eminent Canadian historians such as John Meisel and Guy Rocher.
Aussi disponible en français:Si je me souviens bien.
Published by the Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1999.
English: 0-88645-173-6 $34.95
French: 0-88645-166-3 $34.95

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Last modified: October 19, 1999

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