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The Penguin History of Canada

The Penguin History of Canada    
Format Hardcover
Catalogue No. 0-670-06553-6
Pages 596
Language English only
Price $39.00

Written by Robert Bothwell.
Published by the Penguin Group (Canada), 2006.


Canada’s history, eminent historian Robert Bothwell argues, is more than simply regional or national. In some respects Canada makes most sense when viewed from the outside in. The world has always seen Canada as a terrain for experiment and a land of opportunity. The colonies and regions and disparate populations that became Canada derived from and were connected to a larger world. At first Canada’s survival and, later, its prosperity depended on links with the world outside — the technologies that drove steamships and trains across oceans and continents; the armies that battled for North America; the furs, wheat, and gold that bought Canada a place in the world’s trading system.

Canada is unusual in other ways. Its inhabitants had to compromise deeply held beliefs about religion and nationality in order to live together. Compromise came only with difficulty, and the process of working out a tolerable system of government and politics has repeatedly produced painful confrontations between French and English, East and West, natives and non-natives.

An uneasy and difficult country, Canada has nevertheless defied the odds: it remains, in the twenty-first century, a haven of peace and a beacon of prosperity. Erudite yet accessible and marked by narrative flair, The Penguin History of Canada paints an expansive portrait of a dynamic and complex country.

About the author: Robert Bothwell is a professor of history and director of the International Relations Program at the University of Toronto. He has written books on a wide variety of topics in Canadian history including Canada and Québec: One Country, Two Histories.

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This page last modified: February 1, 2007

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