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The Atlas of Canada and the World

Canada is an immense country, the second largest in size after Russia. The Atlas of Canada and the World provides a colourful focus on this unique land that has been blessed with great scenic beauty and abundant natural resources.
The 48-page front section of the atlas is divided into four main parts. First, there are detailed maps showing Canada's provinces and territories. Secondly, statistical spreads consider various natural and man-made themes, such as geology and climate, population and industrial output. The entire country is then covered, with data being provided on such matters as the country's geography, history, economy and culture. Finally, the provinces and territories are examined individually, including the newly established Territory of Nunavut.
Atlas of Canada and the World
The 96-page world mapping section comprises some of the most distinct cartography currently available. In particular, the physical relief is remarkably clear, so that mountains and deserts, tundra and plains stand out immediately. Similarly, borders between countries are boldly marked. In addition, a comprehensive index with over 34,000 entries makes for simple place location.
The result is an immensely detailed, attractive atlas that is particularly useful for school and college, but is also ideal for the home or office.
Published by Whitecap, 1999.
Catalogue No. 1-55110-901-8
Price $39.95
Format Hardcover
Pages 224
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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Last modified: November 4, 1999

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