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Oil Information: 2004 Edition

Oil Information is a comprehensive reference book on current developments in oil supply and demand. The first part of this publication contains key data on world production, trade, prices and consumption of major oil product groups, with time series back to the early 1970s. The second part gives a more detailed and comprehensive picture of oil supply, demand, trade, production and consumption by end-user for each OECD country individually and for the OECD regions. Trade data are reported extensively by origin and destination. Oil Information is one of a series of annual IEA statistical publications on major energy sources; other reports are Coal Information, Electricity Information, Natural Gas Information and Renewables Information. Oil Information

Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2004.
Catalogue No. 612004053P
Price $280.50
Format Softcover
Pages 734
Language Bilingual
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Last modified: September 14, 2004

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