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Natural Gas Information: 2004 Edition

Natural Gas Information is a detailed reference work on gas supply and demand covering not only the OECD countries but also the rest of the world. This publication contains essential information on LNG and pipeline trade, gas reserves, storage capacity and prices. The main part of the book concentrates on OECD countries including Canada, showing a detailed supply and demand balance for each country and for the three OECD regions: North America, Europe and Pacific, as well as a breakdown of gas consumption by end-user. Import and export data are reported by source and destination. Natural Gas Information

Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2004.
Catalogue No. 612004081P
Price $280.50
Format Softcover
Pages 592
Language English; Aussi disponible en français
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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Last modified: September 14, 2004

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