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Canadian Minerals Yearbook 2005 Review and Outlook

Each year, the Minerals and Metals Sector of Natural Resources Canada undertakes a comprehensive review of developments in the mineral industry and publishes the results in their Canadian Minerals Yearbook.

This publication forms a continuing record from year to year, with this edition reporting on activities during 2005 (some events in 2006 may be referenced). The main focus of this publication is the non-fuel mineral industry, together with uranium and coal, although all mineral fuels are normally included when the total value of Canada’s mineral production and other comprehensive statistics are reported.
Canadian Minerals Yearbook 2005 Review and Outlook

The Canadian Minerals Yearbook includes chapters devoted to each major mineral commodity produced in Canada. The subject matter spans all stages of mineral activity from geoscience and exploration, through mining and processing, to markets and use. Although domestic issues receive the greatest attention in each chapter, international developments may also be reviewed because of the global nature of the mineral industry and the significant impact that such developments could have on the Canadian industry. The commodity reviews in this year’s edition feature economic and policy developments and data specific to each commodity in respect of markets, prices, production, trade and use. These commodity chapters also provide an outlook on the industry’s future position. The Yearbook concludes with a comprehensive set of tables that provide a detailed statistical overview of the mineral industry.

Produced by the Minerals and Metal Sector of Natural Resources Canada. Published by the Geological Survey of Canada, 2007.

This is an annual publication. The 2005 Review and Outlook was released August 2007.
Catalogue No. M38-5/54E
Price $70.00
Format Softcover
Pages Approx. 730 pages
Language English; Aussi disponible en français
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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This page last modified: August 14, 2007

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