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Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Review of Developments in the Last Decade

The concept of removing long-lived radioactive wastes from the human environment by disposal in deep geological repositories was developed several decades ago. In the intervening years, research efforts world-wide have increased our knowledge and understanding of how underground disposal systems will function over very long periods of time. Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waster is a review of developments in the past decade. The primary sources of information are the answers to a questionnaire provided by waste management organisations represented in the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC). The latter is an international forum of senior specialists from safety authorities, waste management agencies, R&D institutions and policy-making bodies.
Aussi disponible en français.
Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1999.
661999171P $49.60

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Last modified: April 26, 2000

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