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Customs Tariff 1999

The departmental consolidation of Canada's import duty rates for 1999 will take effect on January 1 of that year. The tariff contains the schedule of duty rates for goods imported into Canada, based on the "Harmonized System". It also contains a listing of applicable tariffs according to country of origin. The price listed below is for the tariff up-to-date.
The Tariff is valid only for the calendar year for which it is issued, and it is amended periodically over the course of the year. Clients may wish to receive these priced amendments as they are released by registering a standing order with us.
RV55-2-1999E Up to date (CGP) $140.75

Main Volume Only - Released December 1, 1998
RV55-2-1999E (CGP) $89.95

Amendment T99-1 - Released January 20, 1999
RV55-2-T99-1E (CGP) $14.95

Amendment T99-2 - Released May 13, 1999
RV55-2-T99-2E (CGP) $14.95

Amendment T99-3 - Released July 6, 1999
RV55-2-T99-3E (CGP) $5.95

Amendment T99-4 - Released August 6, 1999
RV55-2-T99-4E (CGP) $14.95

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Last modified: September 15, 1999

©Federal Publications Inc., 1999