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Canadian Internet Handbook 2000

Since 1994, when the Internet was just beginning to enter the public consciousness, Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead have published the annual Canadian Internet Handbook. This resource has become known as the authoritative reference guide for the millions of Canadians who use the Internet at home and at work.
Now as the Internet matures and we go careening into the new millennium, Carroll and Broadhead shift their focus to the future. They take stock, with no little amazement, of the mind-blowing technological advancements that have taken place over the last five years, and cast their minds forward to predict even more astonishing developments over the next five.
In their usual upbeat style, Carroll and Broadhead deliver insights that all Canadians can use to take charge of their own futures.
Written by Jim Carroll and Rick Broadhead. Published by Stoddart Publishing, 1999.
0-7737-6088-1 $29.95
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Last modified: December 13, 1999

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