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French Fun: The Real Spoken Language of Quebec

If you grapple daily with spoken Quebec French, are thinking of visiting or doing business in la belle province, or would like to communicate more effectively with your Quebecois friends and colleagues, then French Fun is the book for you.
With lively illustrations and hilarious literal translations, it introduces you to the French language of Quebec through a collection of some of the most common and colourful idioms heard in Quebec today. These are words from the real spoken French of Quebec - some standard, some informal, others with a fascinating linguistic or cultural story behind them.
The perfect complement to all French programs, French Fun is a must for anyone wishing to have a more intimate acquaintance with the French language of Quebec and the people who speak it.
Written by Steve Timmins. Published by John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
0-471-64138-3 $18.95
French Fun
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Last modified: August 22, 2000

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