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List of Names for Countries, Capitals and Inhabitants

An easy-to-use bilingual reference tool, the List of Names for Countries, Capitals and Inhabitants provides the name and spelling for every country in the world. For each nation, the List provides the common name, the official name as recognized by the United Nations, the name of its capital, and the term for the inhabitants (including the feminine form in French). The List also includes the ISO 3166 code used to identify the country for such purposes as electronic addresses.
Constant changes in geopolitical terminology create considerable problems. Dictionaries and encyclopedias don't always agree when it comes to the names of countries and their inhabitants. List of Names for Countries, Capitals and Inhabitants was established to promote uniformity. It is based on current usage, as seen in the media, and in the latest editions of the Petit Larousse, the Petit Robert des noms propres and the Canadian Oxford Dictionary.
List of Countries, Capitals and Inhabitants
Designed to assist language professionals, the List is also a useful reference for students, teachers, writers and editors, journalists and translators.
Written by André Racicot. Produced by the Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada. Published by Canadian Government Publishing, 2000.
S53-26-2000 $18.95
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Last modified: September 22, 2000

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