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It's Your Move: A Personal and Practical Guide to Career Transition, 2nd Edition

Since its first publication in 2001, It’s Your Move has been helping Canadian executives, managers and professionals get the job they really want. Today, competition for jobs is tough. But at the same time, opportunities for career change are plentiful. This newly revised and updated edition of It’s Your Move offers clear and proven advice and strategies on the new job-market reality, including conducting a targeted employment search that will help you find new roles in buoyant economic sectors. It also offers advice on effective Internet job searches, creating multiple résumés, and coping with the effects of job loss.
It's Your Move
At the same time, this indispensable guide helps job seekers to evaluate their past – or present – careers, identify their strategic advantage and set dynamic career goals.

It’s Your Move offers a practical step-by-step approach known as targeting, which details how to take a skills inventory, develop marketing techniques, conduct a job search, as well as attend networking meetings and job interviews with confidence and optimism. More than 30 worksheets cover everything from recording your accomplishments to setting your goals for the first 90 days on the new job. If you are contemplating a career change or currently experiencing sudden job loss, this updated edition of It’s Your Move should be the key tool in your storehouse of career strategies.

Written by Marge Watters. Published by Harper Collins Publishers Ltd. 2004.
Catalogue No. 0-00-639463-9
Price $26.95
Format Softcover
Pages 306
Language English only
Price and availability subject to change. Shipping and applicable taxes extra.
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This page last modified: April 28, 2004

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