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Pacific Partners: The Japanese Presence in Canadian Business, Society, and Culture

Moving beyond business fantasies and popularly held images, Pacific Partners: The Japanese Presence in Canadian Business, Society and Culture considers the Japanese-Canadian relationship from a variety of perspectives. Canada's relationship with Japan has become a key element in our country's future. Although we count heavily on this Asian power both for investment as well as trade, Canadians spend very little time trying to understand Japan or the different economic, social, and cultural systems that drive the country. Canadians remain remarkably ill-informed about the possibilities and limitations of the Japanese connection.
At a historical level, it charts the encounters between the two countries from the nineteenth century through World War II. At a cultural and social level, it explores the stereotypes and tries to provide a better understanding of the dynamics of Japanese society and culture. Finally, at a business level, it considers Japan's role as our second-largest export market and third-largest investor, suggesting it's time for Canadians to think about the direction and potential of the Canada-Japan connection.
Pacific Partners is a lively and informative exploration of the many facets of Canada's relationship with one of the world's great economic superpowers.
Written by Carin Holroyd and Ken Coates. Published by James Lorimer & Company, 1996.
1-55028-492-4 $19.95
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Last modified: August 2, 2000

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